Gaviscon beats M&Ms and KFC to best TV ad of the year

Gaviscon’s “Tim and Tom” has fended off both M&M’s “red and yellow” and KFC to retain the title of the most effective TV ad of 2017, as advertisers relied heavily on humour and novel imagery to grab viewer attention as dual-screening and ad skipping becomes increasingly prevalent. 

The top ads comes from the UK’s most comprehensive on-going analysis of TV advertising, conducted by Nielsen, which involved over one million survey results across 3,600 ads in 2017.

Healthy eating and “big nights in” drive 2017s fastest-growing groceries


There’s a distinctly contrasting nature to the fastest-growing grocery products of the year as fresh fruit and ‘free-from’ led the way, alongside spirits and sparkling wine.

Shoppers in the UK spent £176.4 million more on fresh fruit this year than they did last year, according to Nielsen's annual analysis of till sales at supermarkets and convenience stores, while sales of spirits rose £152.3 million and those of free-from products, such as items without gluten or dairy, rose £146.6 million.

Shopper purchasing confidence hits lowest level in over two years ... Nielsen Research

The number of British shoppers feeling positive about making purchases has hit its lowest level since the second quarter of 2015, according to Nielsen’s latest Global Survey of Consumer Confidence and Spending Intentions.
Less than half (47%) felt now is a good time to buy things they may want or need over the next year – a figure that has been steadily dropping since just after the Brexit vote, when it stood at 53%.

Reader & publisher relationship has 'catalytic' effect on ad effectiveness .. Inskin Media

Brand safety is considerably more complex than the industry thinks

The relationship a reader has with a publisher has far more impact on the effectiveness of online ads than the surrounding editorial content, which suggests concerns around brand safety may be misunderstood, according to a new study. 
The study – by Inskin Media, Research Now and Conquest Research – compared the conscious and subconscious reactions of 4,370 people, who were served ads on websites either with or without publisher branding. It revealed that ads on the publisher-branded sites increased consideration for the advertiser by 60% compared to the ads on the site without publisher branding.

New Research ...Ad viewability hits 18-month high .. Meetrics

First consecutive rise on record

For the first time since it started measuring ad viewability, the level in the UK rose for two consecutive quarters – to hit the highest mark for 18 months – according to the latest quarterly benchmark report from ad verification company Meetrics. 

In the third quarter of 2017, the proportion of banner ads served that met minimum viewability guidelines rose from 51% to 52% – the highest level since Q1 2016 (54%). This followed a rise from 47% to 51% in the previous quarter.

AI-Powered Features Expansion - Google Ads is set to introduce more sophisticated AI and machine learning tools. These advancements promise enhanced automated bid strategies, advanced audience targeting, and semi-autonomous ad creation, aiming to optimize campaign performance through predictive analytics.

"Yes, the latest rise is small but its directionally very significant, said Anant Joshi, Meetrics’ country manager for UK & Ireland. [Pictured] “For the first time, there’s a consistent positive trend which is a sign that efforts to increase viewability are bearing fruit. A driving factor is that some agency groups are starting to demand a higher percentage of an ad’s surface area to be in view which is making the sell side improve the quality of their ad placements."

Viewability comparison by countries

Despite the rise, the UK still lags far behind the other six European countries in which Meetrics measures viewability. Italy (68% viewability) and Austria (67%) lead the way while Switzerland and Poland (both 55%) are the closest to UK levels. Joshi notes that despite the UK heading in the right direction, the latest IAB/PwC digital adspend figures “suggest around £165m in the UK is being wasted per quarter on ads not meeting minimum viewability guidelines.”

The market for home coffee machines has grown so much in recent years, and everything from filter coffee makers to bean-to-cup coffee machines have grown massively in popularity as people search for the perfect way to prepare their favourite brew. Whether you work from home and need your daily fix, or you just want a way to make a beautiful drink for guests after dinner.

Ads are deemed viewable if the meet the IAB and Media Ratings Council’s recommendation that 50% of the ad is in view for at least one second.