What Are the Benefits of Using Short Domain Names?

Benefits Of Choosing A Short Domain Name

You must first have an URL associated with your website before you can do anything with it. Nobody can reach your website without using a URL. Fortunately, domain names are generally not expensive. However, one of the most common domain tips to find and use the shortest one possible. Nearly all top websites on the Internet use short names and for good reason. Furthermore, shorter domains tend to cost more too.

Reasons for unsuccessful performance in the English Premier League

First Results of English Premier League

In the new season of the championship of England, fans have already seen quite a few unexpected results. One of the main disappointments at this stage is Manchester United, that not only does not fight for the first place, but also runs the risk of being kicked out of the Champions League altogether.

The reason for the unsuccessful performance is a whole bunch of factors, some of them were obvious already in summer. Thus, they include:

  1. Lack of good defense players. The defense line of the Red Devils consists of Lindelof and Jones, who regularly scores to their own goal. As a result, even one of the best goalkeepers in the world, David De Gea, can do nothing in this situations.

  2. Bad shape of some leaders. After the World Cup, Pogba and Lukaku were noticeably tired, and so far they have not demonstrated their full potential.

  3. Unsuccessful coaching decisions of Mourinho. It seems that the Portuguese has largely exhausted himself in the United, because he often makes the same type of substitutions. For example, he fielded Fellaini counting on high balls and the Belgian performance at the «second floor».

6 Tips For Small Businesses To Retain A Strong Team

Small businesses struggle more than established corporations in building and retaining a strong team. Period! Although the number of employees is significantly higher in the latter case, the retention rate is lower in the former.

Popular corporations attract employees; making it easier for them to hire candidates, full of potential, while small businesses struggle in attracting such candidates and keeping them at the company because even the employees see the benefits of working for multinationals.

What can you offer to keep the employees happy with your brand?

  1. Focus on quality, not quantity

Small business owners need to understand the importance of quality over quantity. They cannot go around recruit ten candidates with little potential in them; instead, they need to hire five candidates, who are capable enough to handle the same amount of work. Hiring by degree, not abilities is what increases their expenses severely; making it impossible for them to offer any other benefits to their employees. Find the right individuals and follow this statement, “keep the number of employees low and benefits high”.

  1. Value each role

This is something that large corporations also lack at times. One should always value each task because the small tasks are as important as big ones to keep your company afloat. Some roles in a small business may seem insignificant to others, but as the business owner, you need to value each position, and only then, your employees will appreciate them too. How would you feel if someone says that your role is insignificant? Not good, right? Your employees will feel the same thing if you do that. Value them to keep them determined and dedicated.

  1. Hire like-minded people

As a small business owner, you cannot afford to hire individuals who don’t think as you do. Your employees need to believe in you and your ideas; only then your brand will grow. This does not mean that you should not allow them to speak their opinions or hire no one who is more experienced than you. However, employ such candidates so that you can improve your business practices and walk right into the big leagues. Keep your ego aside and focus on the growth of the business.

  1. Celebrate successes and failures

The first step that you need to take is to set tangible goals for your employees. This will not only help them achieve the desired results but also enable you to measure their performances. Small businesses need to celebrate successes and failures more often than large corporations because that will keep the employees motivated. Yes, you need to celebrate failures as well. Do that in a way where it becomes a learning experience for the employees, and they strive towards stepping into success bracket as soon as they can.

  1. Look for the long run

You need to work towards achieving success in the long term. Set your goals for future, and measure at each step to make sure you are on the right path. Short-term decisions, grudges and strategies will do no good to your business, if they are not targeted for the long haul. Be focused!

  1. Always be open to suggestions and complaints

If you don’t value the opinions of your employees, why will they want to work for you? Consider their suggestions and complaints, and do something about it. Resolve queries and conflicts as soon as they arise to make sure the internal environment of your business stays positive, and your employees motivated.

You can employ effective team building activities to help them get to know each other better. Organise exciting and engaging work away days to help them shed off stress and feel good about working for you. This will encourage motivation, productivity and communication among your employees, which will enhance your business practices notably.

Small business owners don’t have to possess little minds too! Value them to get valued by them! Your team will get stronger if they trust each other, are comfortable with one another and are dedicated towards your business.

Money is not everything; give them a good reason for staying with your brand!

Smartphone video is fastest growing online ad format

 Near half-billion £ rise on smartphone video ads as phones overtake computers for internet time 

 Advertisers spent £476 million more on smartphone video ads in 2017, making it the fastest-growing online ad format, according to the latest Digital Adspend report by the Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) UK and PwC.

This was a rise of 69% on 2016 and took total spend on the format to £1.17 billion. Video ad spend overall (including phones, computers and tablets) increased 47% to £1.61bn. Thus, 73% of all video spend now goes on smartphones.

Sky overtakes P&G as biggest traditional ad spender

Sky overtook Procter & Gamble as the biggest spender on traditional advertising in the UK in 2017, increasing year-on-year spend by 2.7% to £197.1m, reveals Nielsen data released today.
P&G’s spend dropped 1.4% versus 2016 to £196.8m, as did BT’s who retained third place despite a fall of 3.8% to £144.1m. 

Nielsen’s figures include the seven major traditional media formats but exclude internet advertising.

Tesco (up 71.6% to £89.5m) and Samsung (up 43.5% to £66.6m) had the largest annual increase among the top 100 spenders. Consequently they became new entrants to the top 10 – jumping 14 and 18 places, respectively – replacing Amazon (down 16.5%) and furniture retailer DfS (down 13.5%).

Waitrose, Confused.com and Google completed the top five in terms of the biggest percentage rise in traditional ad spend.

Biggest UK advertisers on traditional media


“It was quite a chalk and cheese year in terms of how the very biggest advertisers changed their emphasis on traditional advertising,” says Barney Farmer Nielsen’s UK commercial director. 

“Half spent more, half spent less, with the likes of Tesco and Samsung ramping up spend dramatically, in complete contrast to that of Virgin and Aldi. Of course, the differences are due to many factors including the competitive state of their sector, the changing allocation towards digital but also the wider uncertainty caused by Brexit. Thus, it's hard to pick out an overarching trend other than the advertising dominance of the home media/telecoms providers and household goods manufacturers.”

Aldi (down 32.0% or £22m) and Virgin Media (down 30.1% or £31m) had the biggest decline among the top 100 spenders. Overall, the Top 100 spent 3.5% less on traditional advertising in the UK than in 2016 but still accounted for 60% of spend, while the overall market fell by 2.5% or £258.1m.