Events : The Search Elite Conference has a lineup of speakers that have each led outstanding success in search marketing

Search Elite will change your online business. Forever.


The search marketing elite are gathering to deliver a conference that has one clear objective – to show you how to make significantly more money from your online business using clever SEM. 


The Search Elite Conference has a lineup of speakers that have each led outstanding success in search marketing. If you are an in-house marketer, work for an agency, or if you are a digital marketing consultant then this is a conference which promises no fuss and no time wasting. 

Search Elite is about making more money for your business.



"Automate or Die" by David Iwanow
"Don't Waste Money Buying Traffic" by Jim Banks
"The Power of GTM" by Gerry White



The Search Elite Speakers: 


Sam Noble
Director Of Koozai and Search Personality Of The Year and Founder of State of Digital and Internationally renowned marketing specialist.

Bas van den Beld
Online marketing strategist and founder of State of Digital


David Iwanow
Director Of Strategy at BlueGlass

Jim Banks
CEO Spades Media and Google Adwords master


Judith Lewis 
Founder deCabbitt Consultancy

Jono Anderson
Principal Consultant at Distilled


Russell McAthy
CEO at Cubed

Gerry White
Analytics and SEO Consultant


Every speaker will be available throughout the day and at the after event drinks party to answer questions candidly and honestly about your  business.
Search Elite will be held on 9th May at The Trampery, Old Street EC1 – in the heart of London’s tech hub. Tickets available now.

 “Search Elite will provide you with the tools and knowledge to increase your online profits and make a real difference to your business.” 



You’ll need some unwind time to let it all sink in, so after the event please join us for drinks and a few games of Ping Pong at the famous Bounce Bar next door, where we have our own special Search Elite area.
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We’ll see you there.

Craig Rayner

Search Elite
0330 0100 365

Advertisers wasted over £600m on non-viewable ads last year ... Meetrics.

Viewability situation “not really improving”

UK advertisers spent about £606 million on online ads last year that didn’t meet minimum viewability thresholds, according to the latest quarterly benchmark report from ad verification company Meetrics.

In the final quarter of 2016, only 49% of banner ads served met the IAB and Media Ratings Council’s recommendation that 50% of the ad was in view for at least 1 second. This was the same figure as Q3, which itself was a marginal improvement on the 47% in Q2, but a noticeable drop from the 54% viewability level in Q1 2016.

A quick-guide to Live Streaming and promotions ... PromoVeritas

A quick-guide to Live Streaming and promotions

A recent trend on social media has been the explosion of live streaming capability. Periscope, Facebook Live, Meerkat and YouTube have proven to be hugely successful ways to access live streaming due it being a cheap and instant way to interact with mass audiences and individuals alike.

British women among most likely to find Christmas stressful

Women in Britain are among the most likely in Europe to associate Christmas with stress, according to a 25-country study by Lidl and Nielsen on men and women’s attitudes and roles around Christmas.

Over six-in-10 (61%) British women say Christmas means stress – only women in three countries find it more stressful (Sweden, Slovakia and the Czech Republic). This compares to 54% of British men. 

In all 25 countries, except Switzerland, women find Christmas more stressful than men. 

Christmas preparations and planning are still done mostly by women: 66% said they organise the Christmas food, 75% buy the gifts while 78% take care of the Christmas decorations, including dressing the tree.

"As a retail company active in 30 countries, Lidl wanted to ask shoppers what is important to them at Christmas, what makes them feel stressed, and where they could use some help", says Mike Watkins, Nielsen’s UK head of retailer and business insight. “Indeed, retailers have a major role to play in helping reduce stress levels around Christmas as purchasing is such a major part of it. Consequently, advertising and services that tap into this often-unspoken aspect are likely to resonate strongly with people.”

The cost of Christmas is unlikely to help stress levels. Nielsen Homescan data reveals the typical December grocery shopping bill is 20% higher (£371) than the average bill across the 11 other months, while the number of shopping trips increases 6%.

Christmas is obviously good news for retailers and brands. Alcohol sees the biggest increase in spend (62%) in December compared to the average month, followed by confectionery (up 33%) and Health & Beauty (up 20%).

How December salescompare to rest of year

Although total grocery sales in December are 20% higher than the average month, online grocery sales only rise 6%. Watkins notes this may look low in comparison but the differential is “more about the surge in sales that the larger out-of-town stores see in December, particularly people buying fresh produce in the final few days before Christmas.”

When selecting a COVID test for personal use, understanding the different types available and their specific uses is the first step. Lateral flow tests, also known as antigen tests, provide quick results and can be used at home. These are ideal for frequent testing and can indicate if you are likely to be infectious. In contrast, PCR tests are more accurate and are usually processed in a lab, which means it takes longer to get results. Both tests have their advantages depending on your situation, such as how quickly you need results or whether you need them for travel certification.

Nearly half of online ads miss target audience

Mobile tends to be more accurate than desktop when targeting narrower groups

Only 53% of ad impressions served in the UK were viewed by people of the age and gender advertisers intended, according to a study of more than 44,000 campaigns across 17 countries by measurement company Nielsen.

The accuracy of ad targeting varies widely by sector, with travel marketers currently the most likely to reach their desired audience in the UK (doing so 66% of the time) followed by entertainment (64%). On the other hand, FMCG (40%) and retail (42%) marketers are most likely to struggle hitting their target audience.