B2B Marketers ...An important pointer for 2017 : "Content marketing generates as many as three times more leads than outbound marketing".

Switch from outbound to content marketing

In the past, it was enough to highlight your product or service and the hundreds of fantastic features and capabilities. These days, you have to add value to your brand and product/service with content that teaches and establishes you as a thought leader and an expert. 

Why should your customers believe in what you’re selling?

It might scare you to switch to an inbound format that teaches and nurtures your prospects. How will they know what you offer, you ask? How will we sell and generate leads without pushing our product? Content marketing can be scary to adopt because it relies on your expertise and puts the ball in your prospects court.

In contrast, content marketing is shown to drive more traffic and leads than outbound marketing.According to Demandmetric content marketing generates as many as three times more leads than outbound marketing.

Thought leadership at its best

Companies now face complex barriers when trying to connect with multiple decision-makers.

Today, there can be up to 17+ stakeholders involved in evaluating and purchasing solutions. This means that marketing must strategize new ways to reach the prospects to drive revenue, increase lead volume, and support key customers

'Load your own articles plan' is a new concept from theMarketingblog which gives your content marketing thrusts a real opportunity of producing more quality leads for your sales people to convert into orders. 

Click HERE >>> For your free trial

Britons among world’s least likely to try mobile-only banking

Britons among world’s least likely to try mobile-only banking
They’re 50% more likely than the global average to prefer going to a branch
Despite the number of mobile-only banks set to launch in the UK this year, Britons are among the least likely in the world to use them.

Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Britons aren’t likely to use mobile-only banks – those which don’t have a physical location and are serviced entirely via smartphone apps. Only four countries – France, Belgium, Hungary and New Zealand – are less likely than Britons to use these types of banks, according to a global study of 63 countries by Nielsen.


People in India are the most likely to use mobile-only banks (46% say they’re highly likely to do so) followed by Indonesians (37%). Despite the resistance to mobile-only banks among the British public, the 10% who say they’re highly likely to use them “still gives mobile-only banks a potential customer base of around 4.6 million British adults,” according to Stuart Tagg, Nielsen Europe’s financial services leader.

The main reason Britons won’t try mobile-only banking is due to security concerns (cited by 58%), followed by not having a need to do mobile banking (31%). One in five who won’t try it say it’s because they prefer to visit a branch, making Britons 50% more likely than the global average to prefer going into a branch.

“The reality is that mobile-only banking is most likely to take off in developing countries where the majority of the population don’t have bank accounts or easy access to physical branches,” said Tagg. “However, there’s still a good opportunity in Britain, particularly if banks can overcome the general unease about sharing financial information digitally by convincing people that mobile banking is as secure as going into a branch. It’s then that the sheer convenience of mobile banking could make many reconsider.”

Tagg also notes that an “easy-in-theory” win for mobile-only banks is giving higher interest rates, this increases the number of people likely to use them by nearly 2.5 times, “after all, banking is about money.”

UK ad viewability remains below 50%, costing advertisers £154m a quarter

UK ad viewability remains below 50%, costing advertisers £154m a quarter

London, 20 October 2016 – For the second consecutive quarter, less than half of online ads served in the UK met minimum viewability thresholds – costing advertisers around £154 million, based on IAB/PwC’s Adspend figures published last week¹.

Only 49% met the IAB and Media Ratings Council’s recommendation that 50% of the ad was in view for at least 1 second. However, this was a marginal improvement on 47% from the second quarter in 2016, according to the latest report from ad verification company Meetrics.

Despite the improvement, the UK remains significantly behind other European countries in terms of viewability levels: Austria is at 69%, France at 60% and Germany at 59%. 

Ever since launching back in 2000, Google Ads has been the most popular PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising platform by far. After introducing Consent Mode V1 in 2020 in a bid to find a balance between aggressive digital marketing and GDPR compliance, it introduced V2 towards the end of 2023 before making it a requirement from March 6th.

Viewability levels by country

“To be honest, due to the attention and initiatives focused on addressing viewability, we’d expected a bigger improvement in the UK in the third quarter,” said Anant Joshi, Meetrics’ Director of International Business. “However, it seems that these efforts only just outweigh the impact of programmatic ad delivery and the amount of ad re-loading done by publishers to boost inventory levels. It’s still translating into about £615 million wasted annually on non-viewable banner ads alone.”

Viewability levels for video ads are better at 68%, however, this is against a measure of 50% in view for at least 2 seconds. Consequently, Joshi says, “advertisers should critically evaluate whether 50/2 is enough to have any form of impact. For example, if one considers a view-time of 10 seconds, which will have an impact, video viewability drops to 30%.”

Women for Women : Introducing the new Demelza grey for the winter season




Welligogs are pleased to introduce the new Demelza grey for the winter season. A new addition to the Demelza line, the grey Demelza is the ideal coat for the colder months, beautifully tailored to fit most shapes. This very elegant, classic coat is perfect for day-to-day wear or to attend smart events.

Demelza grey is made from 80% wool and 20% polyamide tweed. It features moleskin collar, pocket and sleeve detailing giving it a unique look. The coat is fully lined in dusky pink and tangerine or pale blue, contrasting wonderfully with the darker outer fabric.

The Demelza is available in navy or grey herringbone fabric and looks fabulous teamed with the Welligogs Mayfair boots.or Welligogs fur bobble hat  
Available in sizes 6(XXS) - 18(XXL). RRP £295.




For more information on the Welligogs A/W collection please contact Jennie

Email: mail@welligogs.com Telephone: 01785662277


Amazon Video offers promo film-makers £30,000 prize fund

PromaxBDA UK Short Film Festival 2016 Announces Amazon Video UK Sponsorship

Amazon Video offers promo film-makers £30,000 prize fund and fast-track onto platform in front of millions of UK & US Amazon Video customers

PromaxBDA UK Short Film Festival 2016 at ‘The New Normal’ Conference at Here East, London, UK

This year’s PromaxBDA UK Short Film Festival includes Amazon Video as its latest sponsor and is now open for entries.

Produced in association with SuperGrizzly by Matthew White - founder and director of the Festival, the showcase is a chance for television promotion and marketing professionals to present original, creative longer-form work to their peers and the international audience reached by Amazon Video, and be recognised for the contribution they make to the television and film industries.