Posts for Tag: #contentmarketing

[Case Study] ... Cold calling is dead……. Long live hot calling

  Colin McKellar, Director at Every Cloud Digital writes

As many of my contacts will know, I launched Every Cloud Digital around 6 months ago and I am more than happy to admit, I was scared. All of my working life I have been employed and the thought of no regular salary filled me with trepidation. 

I’ve been in sales for over 20 years and have done my fair share of cold calling from newspapers and Yellow Pages (remember them!). I will never forget the feeling of despondency if you had the temerity to tell your sales manager that you had no leads only to see a huge phone book being thrown in your direction, it’s pages already well thumbed.

21 places to find social media content that your followers will read

Are you struggling for time to maintain a blog but still want to provide some helpful content to keep your social media followers interested? You need to setup a schedule to share other peoples content.

Twelveskip have put together this infographic which shows 21 places to find that content, then why not use a tool like Hootsuite to schedule some posts throughout the day.

posted in Content MarketingInfographicsSocial Media by Mark Ford

21 Places to Find Awesome Social Media Content Your Followers Will Love