Despite what some clients might think, media agencies are adapting well to an increasingly fragmented landscape, writes adconnection's Catherine Becker. Read the article here
I read with interest Dominic Mills' article on Delusions of Adequacy on Mediatel Newsline and was saddened to hear many clients feel media agencies are not equipped to answer key challenges required by today's marketers.
I remember when I started in the industry and media was given 10 minutes at the end of the creative presentation, usually presented over sandwiches, and we could measure very little. Now, with sophisticated real-time data analysis and genuine understanding of exactly what works and what doesn't, media is, in my experience, leading the strategy and solutions.
Today we work in partnership with clients at the very top board-level for established companies. Often with start-ups or newly funded companies from venture capitalists we will work all the way through to inputting into the business plan, through to implementation, measurement, and feeding back to the board/investors on results. No longer is the media agency side-lined.
The huge changes and fragmentation in media has meant our role is even more vital. It's not just a question now of briefing a creative agency to "do a TV ad" or a PR agency to "create some buzz or cut through", it's a much more strategic and integrated framework of communications channels woven together in a central theme based on true consumer insight.
Media agencies have had to adapt quickly and move faster than ever before, and in doing so are now consistently delivering on the following five key areas:
1. Managing the explosion of customer data
Media agencies are absolutely delivering this. Not only are we learning from the new social media, mobile data and tracking of customers from first media contact all the way through the purchase cycle through to sale and lifetime value, we are also using this data to target consumers.
We use a sophisticated social PMD which allows us to target within minute groups, all electronically, not just in terms of demographics but down to social media preferences, likes, and purchase habits using client's first party data. We can target extremely accurately on a number of platforms including on Facebook, Twitter and Gmail.
On Facebook, for example, rather than serve a creative we think will work against a specified target group, we are able to input 200+ images, 200+ headlines and almost infinite text combinations. Our systems are able to read the conversions and sale of those customers to determine the best combination of copy and creative to deliver the greatest ROI.
By harnessing the data yielded from our systems, we have significantly improved the effectiveness of our clients' campaigns.