Posts for Tag: email campaign of the month

"As a coffee lover I was immediately drawn to the Cafétouch" / Email Campaign of the Month: Liquidline – August 2014

Editor : I found this very useful review of an email shot. It's from forfront

Email Campaign of the Month: Liquidline – August 2014

Hand-picked from the thousands of emails sent on e-shot™  the victorious Campaign of the Month is, as usual, a very deserving champion. Without any more waffle, let’s get down to business. The winner is Liquidline for their campaign, “Introducing Cafétouch”!


A huge round of applause is in order for this very attractive, inviting and effective email. As a coffee lover I was immediately drawn to the Cafétouch (but that’s not the only reason we’ve selected their email!)

Read on to learn exactly why their message has claimed our coveted prize.