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Who comes first, the employee or the customer? ...By Phil Davitt - NewVoiceMedia

Who comes first, the employee or the customer?

I was visiting a client last week and we started talking about the recent trend in customer experience which suggests that customers should come first over everything else. Over profits and stakeholders, over processes and policies and over employees. Although this sort of thinking has the right intentions, I think it’s a little misguided and could do more harm than good in the long run. 

While giving your customers a great experience is a fundamental requirement of any business, if you neglect your employees how long will they continue to give this great experience? A great experience for the customers starts with a great experience for the employees.

Which are the best and least effective conversion channels?

Get the report here ....

Using data from hundreds of B2B organisations, this infographic from Implicit offers insight into just how effective common sales channels are; considering both their overall conversion success, and providing a closer look into specifics such as conversion rate from lead stage to deal (close), lead to opportunity, opportunity to deal stage, and listing the overall time it takes each channel to typically convert.

So which are the best and least effective conversion channels? Which should your sales strategy prioritise (and at which funnel stage) in 2015? 

Here’s a direct look at the stats:

What are the most effective ways of driving traffic and site conversions?

Because even if you have created the best product since sliced bread or a service that would knock the socks off the Dragon’s Den panel, no one will know about it unless you sell it.

Read our eGuide, The Business Owner's Guide: How to generate new business through marketing, to find out exactly what you can do to generate new business.

Here's what you'll learn:

  • Why you should always make it personal
  • Why you should warm to cold-calling
  • And why branding isn’t something you do to cattle.